Cabinet Prep Steps

by Marc Dickinson

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Cabinets are typically the first thing that draws the eye when you enter a kitchen, which is why they have become a very popular item to refurbish. The first thing to decide when you are thinking about doing something with your cabinets is to what extent do you want to renovate? Do you want to repaint, reface, or completely replace your cabinetry? Many of these things can be done yourself, especially when it comes to painting, but for more extensive projects, such as replacement, you will probably want to hire a professional contractor. And even then there are additional prep steps you should follow.

Cabinet Repainting
Repainting cabinets can be a quick way to change the look of your kitchen. This project can be deceiving in its simplicity, since there are many parts in a cabinet system that are hidden from the eye. It is best to remove all the doors and hardware from the cabinet and paint them all separately in a different area of the home, preferably outside. Also, make sure you apply a coat of primer to all parts of the cabinet before applying your preferred paint color. Make sure you clean your cabinets beforehand, and rough the current finish coat with sandpaper before priming in order to allow the paint to stick. After all these steps are completed, simply allow things to dry, reassemble the parts, and stand back and admire your new kitchen cabinets.

Cabinet Refacing or Replacing
When it comes to more complex projects, such as replacing your cabinets, it is best to hire a trained professional. However, there are still steps you can take in order to make their job easier when they arrive at your home. For instance, remove all items from the cabinetry and store them in a safe place. This way you won't have to depend on strangers to move delicate pieces such as glasses and plates, some of which may be of sentimental or financial value to you. Also by doing this, when the contractors arrive prepared to work, you won't have to make them wait while you sort through your own belongings.

As you remove your personal items from the cabinets, don't forget the shelf paper. Now, if you're replacing all your of cabinets, you won't have to worry about it as much since the cabinets will be discarded anyway. However, if the contractors (or you) are going to have to work around the shelf paper for the duration of the project, it is best to remove it. If desired, you can always reinstall more at a later time, as shelf paper is very inexpensive.

Keeping It Clean
A well-used kitchen will always need to be cleaned, and when it comes to renovation projects this rule still applies. Yet to make the clean-up easier and quicker, some steps can be taken before the contractor (or you) begin construction. Try to lay down drop cloths or old towels around the floor and countertops so they can catch any mess that occurs. Also, have old washcloths, socks, or paper towels around for when unwanted drips or mistakes do occur. By preparing for the inevitable mess, the clean-up afterwards will be finished in no time.

Cabinet Preparations
Any type of renovation will put your kitchen out of commission for awhile. Although it is easy enough to work around the mess, it may be best to prepare quick meals outside the kitchen. Go out to eat, get frozen dinners, or have a picnic. Though cabinet remodeling shouldn't take too long, it is always best to be ready for the long haul so your life won't be excessively interrupted.

Marc Dickinson has worked in both the general contracting and landscaping trades and is currently a home improvement freelance writer with over 300 articles published.