Floor Decor Overhaul Underfoot

by Jon Nunan 25

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Many are the things a building can be without. There are structures without windows, and doorways without doors. One would be hard-pressed to find, however, any building of any kind that functioned without a floor. The unsung hero of any home, the floor is often tread upon without any regard for its well being, or how it might feel about its looks. It's high time that this would be beauty had the makeover it deserves.

Fundamental Floor Decor
Floor decor encompasses not only objects that accent the floor (like a rug), but the surface of the floor itself. Probably the first thing one should consider is the floor's visibility, and whether or not it is showing its full potential. Is the hardwood in your home scuffed or marred? When was the last time the carpet had a good steam cleaning? If you have tile (and depending on its type), has it been buffed? Are the spaces between the tiles in need of a good scrub? Whatever the case, a floor is a part of each room's voice. Whether it sings (or mumbles under its breath) is due in large part to how well-maintained it looks.

Floor Decor in a New Home
One of the best things about building a new home is the amount of control you have over the building materials. When it comes to flooring and floor decor, the homebuilder should consider not just appearance, but the type of traffic that floor will expect. For example, a home being built to accommodate a family with small children might opt for a soft surface like carpet, since children have the tendency to fall and drop things. Perhaps they would install an inexpensive carpet that can be easily pulled up, on top of a hardwood floor that can be exposed when the children get older.

A person who works outdoors or in a messy shop, however, might be more comfortable with a floor of polished concrete because of its durability, low need for maintenance, and complete resistance to conventional stains. The fact is any floor type can look good upon instillation. The way it serves, however, will only be fully disclosed after years of daily use.

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Floor Decor in an Existing Home
When thinking of ways to improve an existing house, it is difficult as well as costly to change the material that your floor is made of. The situation is not, however, without floor decor options.

If a steam cleaning just doesn't do the trick anymore, new carpet can be purchased (including installation) at a very reasonable price. While you might not want to shell out a ton of money to have hardwood floors replaced, many are surprised at what they can do themselves with a bit of elbow grease and a good book on refinishing. This is also where the rug comes in. You don't have to break the bank buying the finest rug out there, either. Anything you put down will have an effect on the entire room (bear skin certainly isn't for everyone, but it sure makes a dramatic difference wherever it's placed).

Floor decor is best when well suited to that room's uses—there's a reason you don't see carpeted kitchens or linoleum living rooms. Whatever you decide, the look and feel of your floor should be as comfortable as you plan to be in that specific room.
Jon Nunan is a freelance writer who draws on his experience in construction, ranging from landscaping to log home building, for his articles on home improvement.