Egress is literally defined as “a path out” or “to emerge,” and these terms directly apply to the design principles behind egress windows. In case of an emergency, windows installed in any sleeping room must pass strict codes so that occupants can exit and rescue specialists can enter the bedroom. In other words, when a…
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Bored with Your Basement?
A basement is like a blank canvas waiting for you to turn it into something wonderful. For some of us that means adding more bedrooms, but for others the basement is the only space in the house where we can let our wants trump our needs. So if there’s nothing you have to do to…
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Your Bat Cave: Finished Basements
While most finished basements are technically a far cry from any of the multiple incarnations of the Bat Cave, there are a few things the average homeowner can take from the Dark Knight’s interesting sense of style. Identifying which Bat Cave suits you best can certainly be entertaining, but with the right eyes, it can…
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The Basics of Sump Pumps
If you live in a very flat area of the country, a place of low elevation, or a region with a high water table, then you’re probably at risk for flooding—there’s a reason these places are called floodplains. In fact, after heavy rains, you’ve probably already undergone or heard of people’s experiences with flooded basements….
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Think Home Safety with Your Basement Remodel
Basements are like your strange cousin. Because we are not quite certain what to do with them or what they should be, we end up treating them a little differently than the rest of the family. Basements have a strange way of becoming part storage, part workout room, part teen hangout, and part workshop. This…
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Basement Remodeling Costs – Where Does Your Money Go?
While any major remodeling project implies making a significant investment in your home, few areas create more potential for both problems and opportunities like a basement. For some homes, a finished basement can nearly double the livable space for your household, but the presence of moisture and inadequate insulation and ventilation can make for a…
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What is “Green” Basement Remodeling?
A basement remodel is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to add valuable square footage to your home. But basements can also present some significant remodeling challenges, such as working with limited and awkward spaces, alleviating moisture problems, and meeting design challenges such as where to run plumbing, ductwork, and other utilities. Add…
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Pros, Costs & Cons: Egress Windows
By definition, an egress window is any window that provides a safe escape route from your home in case of fire, as well as an access point for emergency personnel. That being said, they’re an important (and required) feature throughout your home. And if you’re adding an egress window in your basement, you’ll reap the…
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Which Carpet Is Best for a Basement?
If you’re asking this question, you’ll first need to ensure your basement is waterproofed and/or that you truly have your heart set on basement carpeting. Most basements aren’t conducive to having quality, long-lasting carpet without enduring the cost to finish a basement. Of course, any finished basement is going to require eliminating any existing water…
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Basement Conversion Ideas
For those who have them, basements offer a unique remodeling opportunity. Unlike other areas of the home, basements are not limited to one specific purpose; where bedrooms are for sleeping, bathrooms are for washing, and kitchens are for cooking, a basement can be just about anything you can imagine. With such a versatile area comes…
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