During the hot summer months, attic temperatures can reach up to 160 degrees, and even though passive cooling systems, such as ridge vents, can certainly disperse the heat, more efficient ventilation can be attained through the use of attic fans. Though these fans can certainly cool down your attic, they have a much broader function:…
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Ductwork Insulation Holds in the Savings
Duct systems are channeled throughout a home in order to circulate the air supplied by your heating and cooling (HVAC) units. In order to help maintain the temperature of this channeled air, these ducts must be insulated at all times. Most of the time this is already taken care of if they reside in conditioned…
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Ductwork Installation: What Homeowners Need to Know
When you’re undertaking a remodeling or building project, ductwork installation is one of those things you may not think about until you need it. Room additions, in particular, can have an enormous impact on your ductwork and general heating and cooling. Even 100-200 square feet of addition climate-controlled space may require significant retrofits to your…
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4 Tips for a Healthy Heat Pump
Heat pumps are an important part of any home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. In order to maintain a comfortable, year-round temperature in your home, it’s critical to keep your heat pump in tip-top shape. Here are some quick upkeep tips to get you started: Clean out your filters. Clean your filters once…
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Understanding Wood Stoves
Though there are many ways to heat a home in the modern day, wood stove heating is, if not the most popular choice, a viable option, especially for those concerned with the rising prices of fossil fuels. Unlike fireplaces and wood burners of yesteryear, contemporary wood stove heating is far more efficient, and even cleaner!…
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Installing Central Air Conditioning
Central air conditioning installation is one job that can make a dramatic change in the overall comfort of your home. At the flip of a switch, no matter what it is like outside, you’ll be able to relax indoors at whatever temperature you choose. Central air conditioning installation is likely to add value to your…
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Information about Home Heating Oil
Home heating oil is one of the more reliable and efficient methods on the market for keeping your inside temperature comfortable. It’s also one of the more controversial, and understandably so. Like nuclear power used for commercial energy purposes, home oil tanks are potential ticking bombs that are almost entirely benign if the right installations…
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Can You Delay Replacement when the Furnace Breaks? Maybe…
When your furnace goes out, having it immediately replaced may seem like a foregone conclusion, but some homeowners would do well to consider the current condition of their home and the long-term possibilities—not to mention a weather forecast—before plopping down $10,000 or more on a new furnace. It may sound crazy, and you certainly don’t…
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Geothermal Heat Pump Maintenance: 5 Simple Tips
Geothermal heat pumps are becoming popular among homeowners for their limited-maintenance construction and ability to lower utilities. If you currently have a geothermal heat pump or are considering adding one to your home, use these five steps to ensure your system remains in good shape. #1 Professional installation. It’s important to find a trustworthy HVAC…
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How to Keep Cold Air Out of Your Vents
Faulty or improperly insulated ducts can keep warm air from heating your home. Here’s what to do if you notice cold air coming from your vents: Install insulation. Poor insulation causes rapid cooling of the air as it moves through your home. Most pros recommend insulating your ducts up to the floor vents. If you’re…
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