Children of all abilities and needs should have room to play and explore their world. In fact, play is so important for a child’s development that the United Nations declared play is a human right for children. Making your home a place where a child with special needs can be active takes more than a…
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Lead Paint Common Sense
Since 1978, lead-based paint has been banned in the United States, so there is practically no risk in newer homes, except from older painted furniture. Homes built between 1950 and 1978 are likely to have lead-based paint, while ones built before 1950 almost certainly have lead-based paint. Lead was used in all kinds of paint,…
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Reducing Lead Paint Exposure – Safety Resources & Info
Lead is an element that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust and can be beneficial for some uses but generally speaking it is dangerous as it can be toxic to humans and animals.
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Toxic and Non-Toxic Mold
Anthrax may register high on the public’s consciousness, but table salt is probably the bigger threat to overall public health, as high-sodium diets create a number of health risks over the course of a lifetime. Indoor mold problems act in a very similar fashion, as rare forms of dangerous mold grab all the headlines, while…
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How Do I Get Rid of the Moldy Odor in My Basement?
Moldy odors are created by any number of things, but usually the musty smell boils down to dampness that gets trapped in the basement by poor ventilation. Eliminate the moisture and increase the airflow and you’ll probably be well on your way to curing your moldy basement problem. Of course, what constitutes curing a moldy…
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Environmental Hazards in Home Renovation
As long as you plan to tear things up in your home a bit, this is the ideal time to remove or treat any materials that are hazardous to your health. Environmental consultants are licensed professionals who have training in the detection and treatment of such problems. Lead-based paint and asbestos are the most common…
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Do You Have Mold in Your Home?
The most infamous toxic mold, stachybotrys atra, is actually quite rare, so it is unlikely that you have it, but there are plenty of other more common molds that can make people ill. And any mold can certainly be fatal to your shoes, clothing, etc! Molds are always present in our environment, but they can…
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Indoor Air Pollution Solutions
Reputable studies have shown that indoor air pollution is now a greater health hazard than outdoor air pollution. These hazards run the gamut from allergies, toxins, contagions, and even radiation. The health effects can range from mild fatigue to severe respiratory distress and death. There may not be a silver bullet—or at least a cost-effective…
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Understanding Toxic Black Mold
Black mold is often used to describe common household molds that can a variety of colors, usually some shade of gray, olive green, or black. Mold is a fungal spore that can grow in the presence of water and some food source such as wood, cardboard, or insulation. Nobody knows exactly how many different kinds…
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