10 Things You Should Never Put Down Your Sink

Your kitchen sink is a lifesaver when it comes time to prep and clean up a family meal — but it isn’t invincible. Avoid putting these ten things down the drain to keep your sink running as smoothly as possible.

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1) Bones and Shells

Turkey bones, chicken wings, and clam and oyster shells can dull or break the blades of your disposal and jam the unit, causing the motor to burn out and putting your sink out of commission.

2) Potato Peels

Potato peels create a sticky, starchy paste in the disposal that causes the blades to stick. And thin skins can make it past the disposal altogether, clogging the drain.

3) Pumpkin and Other Fibrous Vegetables

The fibrous strands found in vegetables like celery, asparagus and pumpkins can get tangled around your garbage disposal’s blades, jamming the motor and causing drain clogs.

4) Coffee Grounds

Grounds make it past the disposal easily enough. But once they go further into your plumbing, they can accumulate like they would in a coffee filter, creating an obstruction in the pipes.

5) Grease

Avoid putting grease down your sink, as it can solidify and clog up the pipes. Additionally, grease can decay in your pipes, causing a foul odor.

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6) Produce Stickers

Don’t let produce stickers fool you. Though they seem soft enough to rinse away safely, these stickers can collect in your pipes over time and contribute to clogs.

7) Flour

It’s best to clean up baking messes by sweeping flour off the counter and into the trash. If it’s poured down the sink, it can transform into a sticky dough that globs up your pipes.

8) Pasta and Rice

Though delicious on the table, pasta and rice are known to expand when they encounter water in your drain. And if they swell up inside your plumbing, it can create a major clot.

9) Paint

Avoid pouring leftover paint in your sink — not only can it create blockages in your plumbing, it’s also bad for the environment. Read the side of your paint can for proper disposal instructions.

10) Cooking Oil

Cooking oil might seem safe enough to go down the drain – especially when it’s mixed in foods like mayo and salad dressing. Unfortunately, it can cause build up. It’s best to throw it in the trash instead.

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