Customizing Home Lighting with Lighting Control

by Marcus Pickett

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Home lighting isn't what it used to be. New custom home lighting control is a revolution that makes walking down the hallway and flipping a switch a thing of the past. From remote control lighting to programmed lighting systems and home lighting centers and keypads, it's possible to customize your home lighting to perfectly complement your life, home, and style.

Custom Home Lighting Control
With a home lighting control system, you can customize your lighting to be whatever you want it to be. With a push of a button, you can turn on low light LEDS that light your way safely from your bedroom to the kitchen for midnight snacks. Or you can program the lights in your home to turn off and on at random intervals to discourage intruders while you're away on vacation. You can even control lighting in a second home from a remote location. The possibilities are literally endless. Here are some of the most popular features that are available if you think a home lighting control system is for you.

  • Programmed Lighting covers a wide range of lighting options available to homeowners. You can install those randomly changing vacation lighting or program morning lighting that comes on automatically at a specified time to get you out of bed. Cooler yet, you can even install night lighting that comes on exactly as the Sun sets, making the proper adjustments throughout the calendar year. You may need to take some time to think about the best way to use this type of custom home lighting to your benefit.

  • Remote Control Lighting is the answer for home lighting control when the homeowner has limited mobility or is simply too lazy to get off the couch. With remote control lighting, you can control everything from safety lighting to home theater lighting at the touch of a button. And you can take it with you as well. Imagine using remote control lighting from your car as you pull in the driveway. By pushing a few buttons you can have the garage, front walkway, porch, entryway, and kitchen ready for you before you even step out of your car.

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Install a Lighting Control System

  • Master Controls make light control possible from a central keypad in your home. You can turn off every light in the house at the push of a button, choose specific areas to illuminate, program light settings, conveniently light up specific pathways, and quickly illuminate outdoor safety lighting, all from a simple, centrally located electronic control.

  • Energy (and Money) Conservation is also made easier with a home lighting control system. You can turn off every light in the home at the push of a button so no lights are ever left on unnecessarily, you can dim the lights of the entire house (which reduces energy use substantially), and you can program indoor and outdoor lighting to turn off and on only when they're needed so they don't burn electricity unnecessarily. Custom home lighting systems can cost quite a bit up front, but the energy conservation they provide will save you money on monthly energy bills in the end.

Home Lighting Control Contractor
A quality light control system is not an easy thing to install. It means the installation of custom fixtures, lights, and wiring, as well as coordinating all the lighting in your home through master and periphery controls. From design ideas right on through to installation, talking to a contactor who specializes in this type of lighting work is in your best interest if you want to install the best lighting system possible.

Marcus Pickett is a professional freelance writer for the home remodeling industry. He has published more than 600 articles on both regional and national topics within the home improvement industry.