Give your Home a Facelift with a Home Remodel

by Matt Goering

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Home Remodeling

There are many reasons to seriously consider remodeling your home. Maybe you've outgrown your present home but really don't want to move, maybe you're looking for ways to add value to your home so you can maximize profits when you do sell, or maybe you just want to treat yourself and upgrade the home you already have. A home remodel is an excellent solution to these and other situations. Whatever the reason, here are some things to think about if you think a major remodeling job is in your future.

Bathrooms and Kitchens are the Best Home Remodel Investments
When it comes to home remodeling, bathrooms and kitchens are where it's at. They are by far the most common remodel that homeowners choose to shell out for, and from the standpoint of adding value to your home, there isn't a contender close to either of these giants in the remodeling industry. Word to the wise: if you are looking at your home remodel as an investment that will raise the value of your home, be sure to research carefully what you can realistically expect to get back from these home improvements. While bathroom and kitchen remodels do add value to your home, they can also get expensive fast. You don't want to be a homeowner who realizes that the $30,000 kitchen remodel you invested in only raised your home's value by $10,000 because of your neighborhood, your home's present condition, or any other number of factors. Of course, bathrooms and kitchens are two of the most important areas of your home, bar none, making remodeling them a great idea even if you intend to stay in your home long term.

Home Additions
Another popular home remodel is building an addition onto your home. Additions, such as adding a second story or an extra bedroom or two, can be cost-effective alternatives to buying a newer, larger home, especially if you like the home or neighborhood you presently live in. They can also be a great choice for homeowners who are simply looking to spice up their homes. Large master bedrooms, exercise rooms, and family room additions are just some of the ways homeowners can transform their present home into the home of their dreams with a simple home remodel. Of course, if you're thinking of moving anytime soon, pay attention to the warning mentioned above. Additions can be costly, and you don't want to put in more than you'll get out, if you think there's a chance you'll be moving on.

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Taking the Home Remodel Underground: Basement Remodeling
If you're looking to add space to your home without building on, sometimes the best solution lies right under your feet. One of the most overlooked and underused spaces in American homes is the basement. Especially in older homes, basements can be dark, damp, and dreary spaces, the kind of place your kids are scared to go down into alone. Slap up some drywall, throw on some paint, and lay down some carpeting, however, and you've got that entertainment room you've been dreaming of. Just make sure your basement doesn't have any water leaks or dangerous moisture levels. And if your basement is large enough, you can add a bedroom or home office as well, and significantly improve on your home's overall square footage and value in the process.

Garage and Attic Remodels: Proceed with Caution
Of course, not all remodels are a great idea. Attic remodels, for example, can be pretty dicey affairs. Unless you have an unusually large, unused attic, most attics don't make for great remodels because of low ceilings and poor access. Garage remodels, specifically those that turn a garage into a living space, are another remodel that should give you pause. Believe it or not, they can actually reduce the value of your home by supplanting what homebuyers see as valuable storage space with what often turns out to be an awkward looking, and poorly insulated living area.

Talk to a Pro
To ensure you get the most out of any remodel, talk to a few contractors about your ideas, how viable they are, and what the costs are likely to be. By talking to a professional, you'll get the expert advice you need to move ahead with, or think twice about, the home remodel you've been day dreaming about.

Matt Goering, formerly a carpenter and house painter, is a freelance writer for the home improvement industry who has published over 600 articles.