Kitchen Remodels are Great for Home Entertaining

by Marcus Pickett 25

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If you host a lot of parties, you know it's always a balancing act trying to make sure all your guests are pleased, while still having time to enjoy yourself. The problem isn't just during the party, either. Preparing for the party can leave you feeling drained before the celebration ever gets going. Paradoxically, routine can be its own obstacle in successfully maneuvering through the process of party throwing. Consider what steps you can take a day or two before the party to reorganize your home and allow things to run more

smoothly. Identify and Evaluate the Party
How exactly you go about reorganizing your home will depend largely on the nature of the party. Your needs may be different if you're hosting a family holiday or a Super Bowl party.

  • If drunk Uncle Larry is coming for the Holidays, you should go ahead and put the liquor in storage—deep storage—and simply say you need to restock the liquor cabinet.
  • For the Super Bowl, you may want to go out and buy an extra cooler for drink.
  • For the 4th of July, move furniture outside and walk around the outside of the house, make sure all the lighting is working properly, the walkways are get the idea.

    If you tend to host a lot of parties, this probably isn't your first rodeo so think about how the same party went last year and what you could have done differently to make things go easier.

    The Kitchen is the Epicenter
    For most parties, food and drink is nine-tenths of the law, making the kitchen the single most important room in the house. Focus on this room before the party and think about what you'll need and what you won't. Items like stand-up mixers or crock pots that you know you're going to use should be placed in a more easy-to-reach place. On the other hand, if you know you're not going to be using these items, take them out of the kitchen entirely and put them into storage. If you find you're really tight on room, consider using your kitchen pantry. Chances are a lot of stuff in the pantry can be shoveled into a box and temporarily placed in a closet. Even one extra shelf can sometimes make a ton of difference.

    Make your home the best palce to entertain with a new

    Kitchen Remodel

    Move the Kitchen out of the Kitchen
    Another way to reorganize your home to free up space and make things run smoothly is to move certain elements of the party out of the kitchen. If you're not planning on eating right away, guests will want to enjoy drinks while they wait. Move the beverages, glasses, and ice bucket to a separate room closer to where everybody will be congregating. If you have a long dining room table you might consider pushing it against the wall to create a buffet table and replace it with portable card tables. The card tables may be friendlier anyway and if you've done your job right, the spread on the dining room table will be a sight worthy of its own picture.

    Kitchen Remodeling Project Guide
    If you enjoyed this article, check out our free Kitchen Remodeling Guide, which features expert advice, design & material comparisons, and custom price estimates for your remodeling project.
    Marcus Pickett is a professional freelance writer for the home remodeling industry. He has published more than 600 articles on both regional and national topics within the home improvement industry.