How Much Does It Cost to Repair and Maintain a Sump Pump?

Typical Range:

$308 - $749

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Updated July 20, 2022

Reviewed by Jeff Botelho, Licensed Journeyman Plumber.

Written by HomeAdvisor.

Sump Pump Repair Cost

The average cost to repair a sump pump is $524. The final price could range anywhere from $110 to a little over $1,000, depending on the extent of the service. Homeowners pay between $308 and $749 on average.

You'll know when your sump pump has stopped working because you'll have an abundance of moisture in your basement. This moisture can cause all kinds of problems like causing damage to personal belongings and finished basements, along with causing mold or mildew problems. The latter can eventually lead to severe health issues. “Water in your basement can also attract pests like rodents and cockroaches,” says Jeff Botelho, an MA-licensed plumber with nearly two decades of experience.

Sump Pump Repair Cost Calculator

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National Average $524
Typical Range $308 - $749
Low End - High End $119 - $1,332

Cost data is based on actual project costs as reported by 4,945 HomeAdvisor members.

The cost to fix and maintain a sump pump is nothing compared to the potential cost of a flooded basement. It is important to keep an eye on your unit to ensure optimal performance, and to pursue repairs to avoid pump failure during the next heavy rain.

The price of sump pump repairs can vary depending on the type of system you have. Plumbers and handymen generally charge $45 to $65 per hour. Simpler units with less extensive repair needs will take less time and effort, while more complicated and involved projects will take more.

the average cost to repair a sump pump is $510 or $120 to $1,200.


Submersible units cost $135 to $300 on their own. Repairing them will be more detailed and expensive, due to their design. It is best to hire a professional for repairs as they will know how to safely inspect this equipment. The pump itself is in a durable, waterproof encasement. It is submerged in the pit and pulls water up from underneath, sending it out through the pipes. They last anywhere from 5 to 15 years.


Pedestal styles generally cost between $80 to $180. Maintaining and repairing them is easier because the motor is up and out of the water on a stand. Minor repairs can often be performed by the homeowner, though annual inspections by a professional are still recommended to detect or prevent serious issues. A pipe runs down into the water to pull it away from the pit when it is too high. These tend to last 25 to 30 years.

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Signs Your Pump Needs Repairing or Replacing

Your unit will likely throw up a warning flag if it needs fixing. Many of these signs will be obvious to you, while others may be found during your annual maintenance service.

It is best to get advice from a professional if you see any of these signs, as the problem could be more severe than rust and debris. Plus, handling electronic equipment around water can be dangerous and requires special training.

Lifespan Limitations

It is recommended to replace your unit every 7 to 10 years. At this point in its life, it is likely that the cost of repairs wouldn't be far behind the cost of a complete replacement. Your technician will likely recommend investing in a new one, rather than get your current one through another year and risk failure.


As with any equipment which handles water, rust can be a significant problem. Some modern pumps won't have rust issues if they are made with rust-resistant materials or are waterproofed like submersible models. Any rust that can't simply be scrubbed away could signal a weakness in the material, and the associated parts will need to be replaced.

Unfamiliar Noises

Pedestal models will make regular noises, while submersed ones are much quieter. You're likely to notice, however, if something is off with the sound. Humming can mean that your air lock is clogged, or that your check valve or impeller is jammed. Clanging could simply mean that you need to insulate your pipe. If you have an older model, loud noises could signal a need for replacement.

Jamming and Sticking

There are a number of device components that could get stuck, either from collected debris, caught air, or lack of use. Stuck valves, which keep water from coming back into the pit from the pipe, and floaters, which detect water level, will render your pump useless until they are fixed. If your area goes through a dry spell, it is important to fill the pit with water to keep these parts from locking up. During dry spells, you may even notice an odor coming from your pump which could signal a need for cleaning and testing.

Sump Pump Wiring

It may also be that the wiring has failed. Most sump pumps are wired into your home's electrical system. We always recommend investing in a backup generator in the event that you lose power during a storm to make sure water doesn't enter your basement. Your contractor can talk to you about adding backup power. Don't wait until the next big rain to have this inspected, as you will risk water damage to your basement.

Constant Running

Debris and stuck or missing check valves can keep the motor running day and night. This could cause the motor to fail from overexertion. Similarly, if it is overloaded and cannot handle the amount of water coming into the pit, the motor may burn out. In situations like this, it may be helpful to install a second pump.

Zero function

If your unit isn't engaged after heavy rainfall, you should definitely have it looked at. You may have burnt-out or locked-up components which require attention, or your pump may have reached the end of its lifetime.

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Sump Pump Maintenance

Yearly maintenance costs $150 to $250. It is important to schedule regular, professional maintenance to keep your system running smoothly in order to avoid water damage that could result in costly repairs.

The contractor will normally fill the sump pit with water to make sure your pump is operating properly by discharging water and checking the float. Then they will clean the air hole in the sump pump's discharge line and listen for any noises coming from the motor. They will replace the battery on the backup sump pump if needed.

  • Cleaning: Your pump handles a lot of dirt and debris. Your maintenance technician will remove these to keep the equipment from clogging. It is very common for debris to affect the floater, preventing it from properly detecting water levels, and this will be addressed during your service. Building rust will also be rubbed away and checked for impact.

  • Clearing: Your technician will check the lines to make sure there aren't any obstructions so that your system doesn't have to work harder than it needs to in order to push water through.

  • Testing: Water will be poured into the pit to test the system and ensure all of the parts are doing their job correctly and with the highest efficiency. The battery will also be tested for charge.

Cost to Replace a Sump Pump

TypeLow RangeHigh Range

Repairs might not always be cost-effective, when compared to the price of replacing your system with an entirely new one. There are many scenarios in which replacement is the better choice. If your system is older and less efficient than models available today, for example, or if it isn't keeping up with the water flow demanded of it. If you are looking at $500 repairs to a pedestal sump pump when the average price to replace it ranges from $400 to $900, you should consider purchasing and installing a new one.

When the time comes to replace your pump, consult with a professional to see which pump will be best for you. If your current pump worked well, they may recommend replacing it with the same model. Professionals can also determine if your pump was installed incorrectly, or if it's the wrong size. In this case, you will probably need to make some adjustments for a new system, meaning you'll be spending more on replacement.

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