Introducing Glass, Metal, and Cork Wall Tile

by Matt Goering

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Walls & Ceilings

When wall tile is discussed in most circles, ceramic tiles get most of the air time. Be it traditional ceramic tile, handpainted terrazzo, or the wide selection of ceramic mosaic tile on the market, ceramic has dominated the wall tile industry for years. That is beginning to change. Cork wall tile, glass wall tile, and metal wall tile are all gaining in popularity and give homeowners some exciting choices when it comes to tiling their interior spaces.

Cork Wall Tile
Cork wall tile is perhaps the least known of the bunch and one of the most exciting. Cork wall tile comes in a wide variety of textures, colors, and finishes, and when properly installed and finished, it is every bit as attractive and unique as more expensive wood paneling and wainscoting. It's also an excellent tile material from an acoustical standpoint, since it has excellent sound dampening qualities. In fact, cork underlayment has been used for years under hardwood floors and other flooring tile for just that reason. Finally, cork wall tile and other cork products have gained acclaim of late because they are considered a green building material. Properly harvested cork is a renewable resource, meaning you'll be getting beautiful wall tile and helping out the environment at the same time.

Glass Wall Tile
Glass tile has been around a little bit longer, though it too is going through a renaissance of sorts. Glass tile has traditionally been a favorite in bathrooms and pool areas, where its high shine, bright colors, and water resistant properties make it the perfect fit. Advancing technology has changed the face of glass wall tile, however, and new varieties of glass wall tile now make up some of the classiest luxury bath and kitchen tiles on the market. Finally, like cork, most glass tile being made today falls into the green building material category as well. In fact, even most luxury tile lines utilize large percentages of recycled glass in their manufacturing processes.

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Metal Wall Tile
Many homeowners shy away from the idea of metal tile because they're worried about the industrial feel these tiles can sometimes bring to a living space. Surprisingly, there is a wide range of design possibilities that exist with metal wall tile, especially in kitchens and bath applications that temper the effect. Stainless steel tile is excellent for kitchen backsplashes, while a copper wall tile looks beautiful in just about any bathroom. For more arresting metal tile design, however, the experts recommend a mixture of materials. Checkerboard stainless steel and copper tiles, for example, can lead to stunning results.

Talk to a Pro
Tiles have always been popular for countertops, floors, and baths. More and more, however, they are working their way up our walls as well. To get informed on the full range of possibilities when it comes to wall tile, your best bet is to talk to a professional tile installer, interior decorator, or interior designer about where wall tiles would look good in your home and which tiles are the best fit for your house and your personality.

Matt Goering, formerly a carpenter and house painter, is a freelance writer for the home improvement industry who has published over 600 articles.