Mildew is a thin, black, or sometimes white, growth produced by mold. Though molds are always present in the air, those that cause mildew need moisture and certain temperatures to grow. Mold will grow on anything, and mildew will flourish wherever it is damp, humid, warm, poorly lit and/or where air is not circulated. Cellars,…
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Asbestos Tile Remediation Made Easy: Cover Directly With New Flooring
If you notice asbestos tile in your home, it’s not the end of the world. Unlike other asbestos applications, asbestos tile poses little threat to your family’s health. Still, many homeowners feel uncomfortable with asbestos in their homes. If you want to neutralize your asbestos but aren’t ready for an expensive removal, consider installing new…
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Dry Rot: The Invisible Killer
Don’t let the name fool you. Dry rot is all about being wet. This fungus loves moisture, wood, and tends to hang out in the dark, hidden places of your home. Unfortunately, unless you take preventative steps to protect your home, there’s a good chance that by the time you notice dry rot, it will…
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The Reason for Mold Inspection
Although toxic black mold is a headline grabber, mold comes in a wide variety of colors and is often not even easy to see. It creeps up the inside of walls, collects in water-damaged basements and crawl spaces, and grows inside poorly cleaned humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and air conditioning units. Mold and Your Health The health…
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The Importance of Clean Water
In general, tap water in the United States is perfectly safe for human consumption. However, sometimes you may notice a funny color, odor, or taste. These often come from otherwise harmless contaminants like chlorine, sulfur, iron, and manganese. Home drinking water purification is a snap when it comes to filtering out these benign contaminates; in…
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How to Prevent Mold in Your Garage
The basics of preventing garage mold are essentially the same as taming any other house mold. Mold thrives in moist, dark, unventilated environments, so you should be able to prevent mold by making sure your garage stays dry, well-ventilated and not too dark. Mold is a common problem in many homes, and even conscientious homeowners…
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The Top 10 Worst States for Mold
It might surprise many Americans to know the highest occurrence of mold in residential and commercial properties is not just the typically wet states of Florida, Oregon or the Carolinas. Those states are still among the front runners for mold damage and contamination, but other “drier” states climbed into the top ten, dispelling the conventional…
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Protect You and Yours with Fire Rated Glass
Fire rated glass is installed for one purpose and one purpose only: to protect you from fire on the other side of the material. That being said, it’s very important that you know what you’re buying when you purchase this glass for your home or business. All fire rated glazings are not made equal. Different…
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Everything You Need to Know about Indoor Air Quality
By some accounts the average American spends as much as 90% of their days indoors. When that time is spent in an environment where poor air quality is prevalent, a host of health problems can result. Chemical sensitivities, allergies, serious respiratory illnesses, and even cancer can be attributed to air quality issues, making it a…
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How to Remediate Mold
Mold and mildew problems in your home are no laughing matter. For starters, mold is an indicator of another serious problem: excess moisture. Whether it’s a roof leak, poor attic ventilation, or moisture problems in other areas of the home (basements are common problem areas), excess moisture can cause a large array of building materials…
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