Electric Fireplaces: Warm Up Without the Mess

by Marc Dickinson

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A flickering fire sets the mood, relaxes the nerves, and rekindles all kinds of nostalgia. This is why fireplaces are such a great feature in any home: it not only enhances your décor, it also expands your resale value. However, traditional hearths all come with unique drawbacks, and they are difficult (and expensive) to build into pre-existing structures. Consequently, electric fireplaces have recently become a popular trend due to their convenience, portability, and affordability.

A Flip of the Switch
An electric fireplace insert works like any freestanding stove: purchase it from a store, drive it home, carry it up the stairs, and within minutes have a glowing "fire" in your home. It's as simple as plugging in a lamp and flipping the switch. Like a stove, radiant heat is then emitted into the room, which can be temperature controlled as you see fit. But unlike conventional heaters or radiators, which can sometimes be an eyesore to any room, electric fireplaces have light bulbs within the unit that create an artificial glow, simulating the look of authentic flames. You have the beauty of a fire without the inconvenience.

Control Issues
A great advantage of an electric fireplace is that you have absolute control over everything. You can adjust the heat level. You can adjust its brightness. In other words, if you want to sit by the fire on a hot summer night, you can actually "light" the flames without the heat. Or if you live in a desert climate, once that sun goes down and the air gets chilly, all you have to do is push a button to stave off the cold.

No Chimneys, No Problems
The best part about an electric fireplace insert is that it can literally be inserted anywhere. They don't require any ventilation, so if you live in an apartment, condo, or high-rise but still want to sit by the fireside, an electric fireplace is the best option. Even in a house, these units still give you the option of installing a fireplace in an otherwise impractical location: in a basement, on a wall, within an entertainment center, or inside a pre-existing hearth and mantle. Plus, you don't have to worry about the maintenance that comes with a traditional chimney: no soot, no chopping wood, and no clearing bird nests from flues. The only required upkeep is occasionally replacing a burnt-out bulb.

Safety, Savings, and Other Trimmings
There are certain things you'll want to keep in mind when you're debating on an electric fireplace insert. Here are some additional benefits and options to consider:
Safety: These units provide a safe environment, in the home and in nature. If you have a family, you no longer have to worry about fire hazards or singed fingers. Since no ventilation system is needed, no more threats of carbon monoxide. And because it doesn't consume any wasteful fuel, the trees and atmosphere remain protected.
Savings: They're energy efficient. No chimneys means no loss of heat through open flues. Plus, you don't have to keep spending money on extra logs or expensive gas bills.
Trimmings: The biggest drawback to these devices is that they look like devices: though they give off heat, they can sometimes still feel "cold." And though they come with the convenience of wall dimmers or remote controls, these high-tech inventions sometimes take away from the desired rustic feel. There are solutions however. You can still buy grates, replica logs, glass doors, and other décor. Plus, if you still want to hear the crackling of a roaring fire, there are even CDs available that simulate the sound. A little warning: Though these innovations can enhance the authenticity of a real fire, they can also expose its phoniness.

Marc Dickinson has worked in both the general contracting and landscaping trades and is currently a home improvement freelance writer with over 300 articles published.