Outdoor Ceiling Fans

by Marcus Pickett 35

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Most everybody knows the advantages of indoor ceiling fans—the reduced energy bills, the pleasant breeze it creates, and just the ambiance it can create over a kitchen table. Few people realize, though, that some these advantages and different ones also come with installing an outdoor ceiling fan. These ceiling fans are built to create downward drafts, just like their indoor counterparts. Flying insects find it difficult to fly in this draft. More than just the summer heat, no longer having to constantly swat at bugs while dining on your patio is often the reason people choose to install an outdoor ceiling fan.

A Different Fan Altogether
Don't think that difference in outdoor and indoor ceiling fans is nothing but a name. Outdoor ceiling fans must endure the humidity, the sun, wind, and the heat and cold of the elements. Metal hangings designed for a home's interior can rust. A basic attachment that would be more than adequate inside may cause the sway that ceiling fans are known for. Unless you know the particulars of installing an outdoor ceiling fan, it's best to call your handyman.

Your Choices
Ceiling fans were invented at the end of the 19th century and have gone through several different reincarnations. People have appreciated their decorative value since their inception, meaning the options for the appearance of your ceiling fan are nearly endless. You can have a fan that imitates a plane, the motor blades of a boat, a bird's wings, or anything else you can thing of that goes flap. The fan's blades and casement can be wood, metal, plastic or a few other less common alternatives. Retro-fans can imitate the decor of previous centuries if that's what you need to match the theme of your patio furniture.

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Tropical Ceiling Fan

Most outdoor ceiling fans also have overhead lights. These lights are as numerous as the fans themselves. They can imitate the reflected light of a chandelier or can be encased in the latest style of contemporary art. Whatever you want, it can be done is probably already available. The overhead light is especially useful in an outdoor setting. In fact, many people need outdoor lighting for their patio and realize the benefit of installing a light and a ceiling fan in tandem.

The Tropical Ceiling Fan
One of the most popular outdoor ceiling fans is the tropical ceiling fan. Although you can also choose one for inside your home, the tropical ceiling fan is especially adept in an outdoor setting. The wider blades create a larger draft that can be necessary for the open air. These wide blades usually take on the appearance of plants or palm fronds making this fan a favorite of people who live on the beach. If you're looking into kinds of ceiling fans for your patio, this is definitely a good place to start.

Marcus Pickett is a professional freelance writer for the home remodeling industry. He has published more than 600 articles on both regional and national topics within the home improvement industry.