Stamping and pressing are processes that sheet metal fabricators use to transform raw materials into usable building materials. Depending on your needs, fabricators may use dies to cut shapes or angles or heavy presses to bend metal to create corners or meet other design specifications.
Many metals are pliable and don’t require a ton of force to shape. There are some kinds of metal you can even bend or twist using your bare hands.
However, when it comes to metal fabrication for construction projects, there’s really no way to stamp, press, or otherwise shape these metals at home. Metal fabricators use heavy machinery to accomplish the task of assembling sheet metal into the panels and pieces you need.
Stainless steel is the most common sheet metal material, thanks to its affordability, durability, and versatility. It's a great choice for outdoor building and construction because it’s easy to shape, resists damage, and withstands the weather. This makes it an excellent choice for most homeowners regardless of their location.