5 Best 007-Style Home Additions

by Jon Nunan

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James Bond has been a popular movie and book franchise for years. What makes this super spy so appealing? While there are many things that might draw someone to a 007 film, our personal favorites are the gadgets. If you want your home to be a little more "Q", here are our picks for the best Bond-style additions for your home.

1. Secret Compartments
A briefcase with a hidden compartment? Weak, dude! How about an entire bedroom filled with hidden compartment furniture. There are several places where you can order bookshelves, coffee tables, and just about any other common piece of furniture that comes complete with a hidden compartment (check out False Bottom Productions online), but if you want to avoid the price-tag, you can find instructions on how to make your own secret compartment bookshelf at instructables.com.

2. Hidden Wall Safe
Having a safe to store your valuables is pretty common. Putting that safe in a wall and covering it with some artwork on hinges, however, makes a pretty good Bond-style addition. The installation can be as simple as you like, but to get the best security possible, have the safe installed by a security professional who knows the ins and outs.

To make the contents of your hidden safe even more "For Your Eyes Only," consider upgrading to a biometric safe with a fingerprint lock (available at fingerprintdoorlocks.com)!

3. Spy Cams
Probably the signature James Bond gadget, the surveillance camera is now fond on many homes and businesses across the country. Fortunately for us, we don't need a British special ops team to get our hands on these mini-marvels. Starting at around $15.00, surveillance cameras are more affordable than ever and can give you a heads up if any evil henchmen come a calling!

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4. Hot Tub
The 007 mystique is about more than just gadgetry, and the floor level hot tub is one addition that can melt even the coldest of spies. Inviting, relaxing, and sexy as sin, this steamy retreat will be something you look forward to showing off and enjoying by yourself, too. Keeping a hot tub at floor level makes it easier to enter (and in our opinion, just looks cooler). To soup it up, consider a motorized cover!

Note: For those with small children, the floor level hot tub can be a recipe for disaster if it's not properly sealed. Opt for a hard, durable cover with a lock to keep the little ones from falling in!

5. Secret Rooms/Hidden Doors
Having an entrance that visitors can't see (even when they are looking right at it) might just be the ultimate in spy-cool. While there are certainly companies that specialize in "safe rooms" or "panic rooms," taking an existing room and hiding the entrance is a different process (and is often far less involved). You can find plans online to build your own bookcase doorway, order an easy to assemble kit, or (for those super-spies out there) have one custom built.

Jon Nunan is a freelance writer who draws on his experience in construction, ranging from landscaping to log home building, for his articles on home improvement.