Air Cleaner Installation

by Matt Goering

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An air cleaner is one of the best prevention strategies you can employ when it comes to reducing dust, outside pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and chemical airborne pollutants in your home. In fact, undertaking an air cleaner installation in your home is one of the best ways to combat the airborne pollutants that contribute to allergy and asthma problems. If you, or someone in your home, suffers from respiratory difficulties of any sort, an air purifier might be the answer you've been searching for.

Which Type is Best for You?
When shopping for an air purifier, you're going to have to make a decision about which style is best for your needs. There are three main styles out there to choose from, all with their own benefits and disadvantages. Here's a breakdown of each, to give you a better idea of which unit the best fit for you.

  • Tabletop Units—Tabletop air cleaners are small portable units that can easily be transported from room to room. They are smaller, and more efficient, than larger units, and are a good choice if there are specific areas in your home where airborne pollutants are a problem. They usually operate with a CFM (cubic feet per minute) rating of 175, meaning they're sufficient for small areas, but won't be able to clean air sufficiently in larger spaces. Also, check noise and air output levels before you buy. These units can be noisy and create a draft, if you purchase a cheaper model.

  • Room Size Units—A room sized unit is generally more efficient and effective than a tabletop one. Because of their larger size, and increased ability to filter air (usually around 400 CFM), they simply do a better job of reducing airborne pollutants than tabletop models. They will cost a little bit more, but it's well worth the extra investment, especially if you're purchasing your unit to combat respiratory problems such as allergies or asthma.

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  • Whole House Air Cleaner—A whole house model is the cream of the crop when it comes to air purification. They are installed alongside your furnace or air conditioner, and utilize the blower/fan to circulate air and clean it of airborne particles. The only drawback to these units is cost. You're going to have to shell out for air cleaner installation, and the unit is going to be significantly more expensive than other models. When it comes to cleaning the air in your home, however, you can't beat the whole house air purification abilities that these units provide.

    Choose HEPA Filters whenever Possible
    As you shop for a new air purifier, look for one with HEPA filters to get the most out of your new purchase. HEPA filters remove up to 99.97 of airborne particles, including many of the pollens, allergens, and chemical pollutants that other air purifiers miss. On a side note, watch out for ionizers and ozone producing air purifiers. These units don't live up to their billing, and the addition of dangerous ozone into your home can cause more harm than good for those suffering from respiratory maladies.

    Talk to an HVAC Professional
    If you think an air purifier might be a saving grace for you or someone in your home, talk to an HVAC professional about making the right choice for you. They'll advise you on the best style unit for your particular needs, and perform air cleaner installation if you decide to go the whole house unit route. For a cleaner, healthier home, you can't beat the introduction of an air cleaner to your residence.

    Matt Goering, formerly a carpenter and house painter, is a freelance writer for the home improvement industry who has published over 600 articles.