Anatoli Igolkin/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images Reviewed by Bob Tschudi, Expert Home Building and Remodeling Contributor.Written by HomeAdvisor. The main difference between remodeling and refinishing a basement is that refinishing simply “finishes” or makes over the space without altering the use, layout, or structure. Whereas remodeling involves redesigning the space, making structural changes, altering…
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Mold and Basement Odors
You can use potpourri, aerosol sprays, candles, and any other imaginable ploy to remove that basement odor, but these topical treatments will not remedy the culprit. The problem is mold. And while it is possible to cover up its smell, its health effects will linger around until the mold is removed. Home Health and Basement…
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Working with Basement Contractors
Basement contractors are usually hired to enhance your home. Other contractors are often in your house not necessarily to enhance, but to correct problems or perform maintenance. Basement contractors are almost always there to make your living space bigger or better. Basement contractors will need very little ground level working space from you. You will…
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HomeAdvisor Trend Watch: Major Basement Remodels on the Rise
This article originally appeared in Qualified Remodeler in June 2016. It would stand to reason that homeowners seeking more space would renovate their basements when the housing market is weak and move into bigger homes when the economy is strong. A recent analysis of HomeAdvisor data shows the exact opposite to be true. In 2015,…
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Smart Choices for Basement Flooring
With all the options available, choosing a floor is already a difficult process. Basement flooring is even worse because a basement more often than not presents a moisture problem that may render some flooring options nonviable. Even the driest of basements often have more humidity than the rest of the house. If you have a…
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What to Expect with Your Basement Contractor
Finishing your basement makes a lot of sense if you want additional living space. For one thing, the space is already there; turning existing space that isn’t being used into a bedroom, second living room, or small apartment is always more cost-effective than adding on to the house or creating an additional story. Basement remodeling…
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Water, Water Everywhere: How to Prevent Flood Damage
Flood Facts Requests for water removal service have increased. The Insurance Information Institute states: “Flood damage is excluded under standard homeowners and renters insurance policies.” An article on states that: “Every year, flooding causes more than $2 billion of property damage in the U.S.” and “In a high risk area, your home has a…
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Basement Waterproofing
If, as a homeowner, you’re a little wary about spending a couple thousand dollars to have your basement waterproofed, that’s good—you should be. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your basement waterproofed, it just means you should take particular, cautionary steps when hiring a basement contractor to waterproof your basement. Most of the time, if…
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8 Basement Remodeling Tips
One of the easiest ways to “add a new room or rooms” to your home is to better utilize the space you already have. Most basements are dark areas where we store seasonal decorations, old toys, sporting equipment and anything else not used on a regular basis. But, perhaps it is time you reconsider how…
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Basement Mold Removal
Your basement is one of the most common areas of the home for mold to prosper. Mold is a fungus and, like many living organisms, all it needs to grow is the presence of water and something to feed on. Basement mold is so common because these conditions are so easily created. Dry basements are…
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