4.9 | 59 Verified Ratings See All Reviews

628 Northview Ave
Indianapolis IN, 46220

Russell Hill Contracting, LLC

Save $200 on Residential Annual Maintenance Package You don't think about your roof until something goes wrong.
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- If buying for more then one property. They must be in our service area
- Not valid with other offer
Additional Details:
This includes *24 hour emergency service for roof- Bi annually we will perform * Inspection of roof * Check condition of all flashing's, pipe boots * Check condition of turtle vents, ridge vents * Ensure gutters are free flowing * Check for nail pops, exposed nails * Caulk nail pops, exposed nails * Properly re-caulk failed caulking on pipe boots and flashing's * Provide photo documentation to keep for your records. Base $$$ homes no more then 2 story and 9/12 pitch.