'Green' Paint is More Than Just a Color Choice

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Brandi LeMae of VaST Architecture goes over the advantages of using low-VOC paints with David Lupberger.
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Have you debated regular paint versus environmentally friendly paint? What'd you end up deciding? 

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Adbloyt A. from Hyattsville, MD on 07/21/2010 at 05:47 PM MT
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I actualy don't Know the differences cause its not my Field of Specialization.
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Brenda J. from Sault sainte marie, MI on 10/02/2010 at 09:31 AM MT
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I ended up choosing a paint I found at Home Depot that has no VOC's in the paint or colorant called The Freshaire choice. There are a lot of color choices and it goes on very smoothly. A little more expensive but I think it is well worth it.
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Video Transcript for "'Green' Paint is More Than Just a Color Choice "
David Lupberger on How Green Paint is More Than a Color Choice: Hi I'm David Lupberger with ServiceMagic.com in this video we're going to talk about the health and comfort inside the house and the different paint sealers and adhesives to increase the comfort of the house. I'm here with Brandy LaMae of Vast Architecture and she is going to review a number of these paints and finishes that are all low VOC. We're going to talk about what that means. Brandy, good morning.
Brandy LeMae/VaST Architecture: Good morning.
Lupberger: Can you tell us a little more about these finishes and what makes them beneficial and basically, healthier.
Brandy LeMae/VaST Architecture: Yea, absolutely. So when we are building an energy efficient, tight house we have less air filtration in the house. So it's really important that when it gets to the point of paints and sealants that we are using low or no VOC paints and sealants and adhesives.
Lupberger: And VOC means?
Brandy LeMae/VaST Architecture: Volatile Organic Compounds. And there are a variety of compounds that make up that group. They can cause cancer and liver damage if you breathe them in over a long period of time. Children are especially susceptible. So a store like Ellies Eco Home Store has a lot of things to choose from when we are looking for safer products. So they have a variety of no VOC paints that can be tinted many different colors. And the tints here are either low or no VOC. Another fun thing that you can try is a Milk Paint this is actually made from milk solids and you just mix it with water an interesting way to go; it gives you a matte finish. Again when we are talking about sealants, adhesives and stains look for low VOC products in that category. It is especially important for the people installing these products that they are not breathing in these chemicals all the time.
Lupberger: When you're talking about low VOC are they just as durable as traditional paints they would find at big box or paint stores?
Brandy LeMae/VaST Architecture: Absolutely they are just as durable they provide great coverage. Some other things if you don't want to do a paint and want to do something that has warmer rustic feel is do a clay-based wall treatment. It's made form clay, form the earth with different pigments available so you can mix up the colors and it gives you a different textural feel and again- no VOCs!
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