Man Caves & Man Rooms

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Man caves and man rooms are in hot demand as men need a space of their own in the home. David Lupberger finds out how and why men are claiming part of the house as their own, personal man caves or man rooms... and the throw pillows don't need to match!
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The man room: luxury or lame? Sound off below. 

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Stephan M. from Baden, PA on 11/27/2008 at 04:31 PM MT
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Man caves are the ultimate in personal space! Every man should have one!
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Je M. from Fort valley, GA on 03/08/2009 at 05:26 PM MT
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What about a woman's room. After we slave in the hot kitchen all week, we need a space too. It isn't always about the man you know. Women are on the Earth too ! !
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Jeff J. from Bronx, NY on 03/09/2009 at 02:24 PM MT
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A woman's room is not needed. She has the rest of the house. I told my wife that the house was hers and she can do whatever she wants, but one of the rooms is mine and you can't same nothing about what I do to it. She agreed.
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Je M. from Fort valley, GA on 03/09/2009 at 03:45 PM MT
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The rest of the house to do what cook and clean? How dare any man say that!!! And then you all expect us to passively accept that arrogant jargon.
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Je M. from Fort valley, GA on 03/09/2009 at 03:46 PM MT
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Lame , lame , lame.!!
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Rhonda M. from Duarte, CA on 03/09/2009 at 04:39 PM MT
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Im a little tired of the term Man Cave. I prefer call them Adult Game Rooms. My husband and I have equal reign of our play area. I have just as many beers in the fridge as he does! Sometimes he has friends over and uses our Game Room and sometimes I have the girls over. But the best times in our Cave, are when the kids are asleep and we play darts and shoot pool together. A LUXURY for both of us!
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Je M. from Fort valley, GA on 03/09/2009 at 05:26 PM MT
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It's okay to make a space for men. But the women need a space too. Please don't refer to the kitchen and laundry room and the rooms that are shared with the rest of the family. I need a place to go after I have toiled on my job all day. I need a Girl's Room with all my favorite things that I enjoy. I need to unwind too!! So I challenge Service Magic to add a video that shows a "Girl's Space"
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kerry s. from Carrollton, TX on 03/15/2009 at 10:48 AM MT
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We are lucky to have 4 bedrooms and 3 living areas. Wifey gets one of the bedrooms for her personal space and I get one of the living areas for my room.
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James L. from Bakersfield, CA on 03/17/2009 at 08:40 AM MT
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Its funny how the females complain when THEIR home is invaded. the Man Cave idea is awsome idea (My wife complains that I spend too much time in the garage)
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Ernest P. from Aromas, CA on 03/17/2009 at 07:26 PM MT
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Men need a space of their own. It's an established fact, and one that the ladies ought not to dismiss too lightly if you value your relationship and love your man. Why not let his needs be met? You'll both be happier. It doesn't mean that you can't have a space of your own space--and I don't mean the common areas like the kitchen. It doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both.
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Bill E. from Gretna, LA on 03/18/2009 at 01:08 AM MT
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Bill E. Gretna Louisiana Just purchased a house that comes with a pool table. Past owners could not move it. I am setting up an area in the 18X36 family room where the pool table is with a sound system and 2 TV's so I can watch sports while playing pool. This is not my man cave but a mans area. I also have a large bedroom 16X18 that will be my mans cave. I will have my large screen TV and 2 computers set up there. I just purchased a new tall and big mans recliner for $1500 that will go in this room. I am looking forward to getting into this house that is being renovated at this time. My wife is giving me the space and I am letting her pick out all the details of the renovation. She is getting her new bathroom and kitchen.
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Je M. from Fort valley, GA on 03/18/2009 at 06:11 PM MT
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Typical men!! You all tend to over use the terms complain and nag so freely ! If any intelligent man out there has read any of my notes in a common sense way, you would have realized that I don;t mind a maN HAVING HIS OWN SPACE ! BUT WHAT I WAS EMPHASIZING, WAS THAT A WOMAN NEEDS A SPACE TOO !! We need to get away from your demands too!! Stop trying to brainwash us women into this arrogant belief that we have to be the ones to meet all of your needs !! A woman truly should have her needs met too ! If you want your wife to meet your needs, and I mean all of your needs, then try to not be so arrogant, cocky, brash, egotistical, and the like!! She needs a feminine space where the husband and children will let get a calm feeling. My husband is a REAL man, because he understands my need to have a space to sit with all my favorite things, and it is NOT in the kitchen, laundry room ,or bathroom------ and you men wonder why we as women say we are tired !! You men try to boss the delivery room too, and now you are trying to take away my need for space!!!!!!!!!!! Now I know why the world has so many problems. It's because of the selfishness of MEN !!!
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marc b. from Painesville, OH on 03/23/2009 at 11:50 AM MT
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WOW Minsy!!! You could have said (explained) how you really feel on the first post, instead of telling everyone on this fourm how YOUR relationship works. I agree women need their space too. I'm not my wife, so I'm not going to tell her how and where to "unwind". Everyone's dream room (or relationship) is, well - THEIR OWN. If you really know men - host a TV show. Men and women USUALLY have different ideas on styles, colors, and forms of relaxation. Sounds like you and your - husband(?) should have this conversation know, put a face on your feelings. Besides...I don't think a man coined the term Man Cave or Man Room. WHOA!!!!!!!!!!! You mean he was in the delivery room - WITH YOU ?!?! Give him his space better yet, you might want to give him permanent space - unless he's given it to you already.
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Frank S. from Lindenhurst, NY on 03/26/2009 at 05:31 AM MT
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I know for a fact that the creation of A Man Room would be a welcome feature to your home in addition of being appreciated by family and friends. I created one in 1999 and it is called "Men's World" My Family And Friends Heritage Center. In fact it was on channel twelve with Chaucey Howell. My "Mens World" is not only used by my male family and friends for fun and games! But it is enjoyed by all as an entertainment center for special occasions. The unique feature of "men's World" is the display of family photos from the past and is maintained to the present. This room projects the meaning of hospitality and remains with family and friends as a most unforgettable and enjoyable time that was spent at my home. Create your own "Men's World "room ! "You Will Be Glad That You Did"! Frank.S
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James L. from Bakersfield, CA on 03/31/2009 at 02:38 PM MT
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Hey fellas, I think we all can agree that Minsy has taken a long awaited area to be addressed, and turned it into a sexist forum of Man-hate. She claims that she has a "real man", but if you look in the closet of his man cave,(should she ever allow it) There you would find his skirt. Though, most homes now have a "home office" to work , and stress in, to relax, and enjoy our most often then not MONEY PIT, is something that we all must do.As a Manly Man, I must tell you all, the ideas on this site are fun, and informative. Simple, is still a good this too!!! (Now where am I going to put my Grotto!!!? )
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from Woodland hills, CA on 04/09/2009 at 01:01 PM MT
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What exactly does a Woman Room entail?
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martha r. from Salina, TX on 03/11/2010 at 07:53 PM MT
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i want my guy to have a MAN garage so i can borrow his tools.:)
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Annette P. from Archie, MO on 07/11/2010 at 10:20 AM MT
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How 'bout a Tomboy Cave. The first thing you see when you walk into my 100 year old school house is the bar, huge pool table, then the band stand ( I play keys), the big TV and the wood stove. Upstairs, I have the only bedroom with my jaccuzi tub, sewing area, another big TV and futon. I've done all the rehabbing myself.
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suzanne h. from Naples, FL on 07/28/2010 at 07:59 PM MT
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Are you in need of a space to call your own? Maybe your entire house is your own....I can help with the design, purchasing, delivery and installation! Check out man cave, we are the only company that has directed a service to you, the guy! I Know where to shop, have fabulous resources and work within your budget. Sue Hunter, owner of Home For A Change interior design and Man Cave Interiors.
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Kirk G. from Newnan, GA on 09/09/2010 at 11:13 AM MT
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Minsy P.....the women have the entire house except one room...shut-up already. You are not a slave, if the kitchen is hot then turn the A/C up, all week long ? ever thought about getting a good job ? Stop whining like a woman and take some positive action :)
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ANTOINETTE H. from Centralia, IL on 10/06/2010 at 05:43 PM MT
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shawn s. from Dallas, GA on 02/17/2012 at 07:40 PM MT
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I think it's wonderful idea every man should have one! It would help relationship to stay fresh and exciting. This would be somewhere he can blow off some steam and have some privacy while doing it without having to leave home to do so. He would be home more, less stressed also the wife would have more of the house to herself if she wanted it and still have him around if needed.
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Dave T. from Brentwood, TN on 04/28/2012 at 06:36 PM MT
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Well ladies the wait is over we at BlueFrog Audio Video build custom Man Caves, Kid Caves, Family Caves, And Women Caves. Surprisingly we have built more Women Caves and Kid Caves this year and we like this trend we've built more sports themed caves for you ladies even a cigar brandy cave but the coolest was a Texas hold'em cave for this one lady.
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Video Transcript for "Man Caves & Man Rooms"
Lupberger on man caves: Hi, I'm David Lupberger with For the past several years, there's been a growing trend in home remodeling...and it has more to do with digital and wireless than with paint color and faux finish. THE MAN ROOM now has a place to call home! Until a few years ago, most men could only claim a lonely stool in a garage as their own, private space...maybe watching a game on a fuzzy black and white, or just doing...whatever it is guys do. But...this is the 21st Century...and the new man of the house doesn't want to be left out in the cold any more. Thanks primarily to advances in games, home theaters and mostly - wide screen tv's - men have moved to their cave indoors.

In fact, a new poll by shows that 53% of those responding have a Man Room already...or they're planning one. And, it's not always an up-hill battle...two-thirds said their significant others had no problems with giving up a room just for the guys. That comes as no surprise to interior designer LeeAnn VanLowcks of Bella Casa Design. She says since the trend started really taking off 3 or 4 years ago, women have really seen the value of the man room.

LeeAnn VanLoucks/Bella Casa Design on man caves: But then she doesn't have to see it, see the mess, hear the noise, smell the cigar smoke, see the beer bottles...those kinds of things. LeeAnn says thanks to the new prominence of the Man are now taking an interest in interior design. It's fun for me to work with the husband for a change because that generally doesn't happen. I generally deal with just the wife. So, it's fun when I can finally get the husband involved. And, this is something that he's excited about.

Lupberger on man caves: But it's not the color of the couch that ropes men into the's the gizmos. Bobby Micho of Village Homes says when you mention multiple receivers and miles of cable, and men have a way of responding. And in this award winning house, Village Home has created a sports-bar feel that's bound to draw the eye of men AND women. Micho says he works closely with the homeowners' interior designer to make sure everything flows.

Bobby Micho/Village Homes on man caves: And without a doubt I'm the savior for the guys. Because after spending two hours of looking at 4 shades of brown, 15 shades of green...they come to me and get to look at plasma screens, LCD...we go in and we talk...kinda 'guy talk'.

Lupberger on man caves: And you can design and remodel a man room on almost any budget...nearly 40% of those polled by ServiceMagic said they plan to spend less than $5,000. Oh...and what's the Number One item of necessity? 76% said they'd have to have a wide-screen TV for their Man Room.

Lupberger conclusion on man caves and man rooms: So now, you know...More men are staking their claims in their own home. It's a place to relax, to cheer, to just be men...And don't forget, to find a prescreened professional to design and remodel your man room...REAL men use Home Improvement...Hassle-Free...MANLY.
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