Home Inspection Tips & Problems

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David Lupberger offers some home inspection tips and reviews some important home inspection problems. Don't let your pending sale fall through - make sure your home is ready to pass inspection.
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Please share any advice to share from a home inspection you've been through. 

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heather b. from Gaston, SC on 09/09/2009 at 02:30 AM MT
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This information was very helpful. My home have already been sold as a 'as is' home and at the time of signing the contract they decided they wanted a home inspection. That was fine with us. We don't have anything to hide, but want to be on the safe side. We want to make things are right ourselves and make sure nobody gets a surprise.
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Michael S. from Littleton, CO on 05/05/2011 at 03:59 PM MT
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I live in Deer Creek Condos in Littelton Colorado. The HOA here is a NIGHTMARE. Pick and choose rules to follow, who to fine, nasty nasty place to live. DO NOT buy property here. You will hate your life!!!!!
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Farooq K. from Homestead, FL on 01/15/2012 at 02:18 PM MT
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Great info!!! :D
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Video Transcript for "Home Inspection Tips & Problems"
Lupberger: Hi, I'm David Lupberger with ServiceMagic.com. If you're thinking about selling your house, or you're just staying on top of your home's maintenance needs then you may know already know that it's a complex and stressful task. And even when you get an offer, it's still not a done-deal until the home inspection. Today, we're going to tell you what home inspectors find most often so you can get things done ahead of time.

Common Home Inspection Problems #1 - Plumbing
Lupberger's home inspection tips: If you talk to home inspectors, they'll most often tell you that plumbing issues are one of the most common things that turn up during an inspection. The obvious thing to check for is any type of leaking around any of your exposed pipes. That's something you can check for yourself. Also, if your house was built in the 70s, the 80s or early 90s, then it might have polybutylene based plumbing. Polybutelene has been proven to fail over time, so potential buyers will be on the lookout for what might be an expensive replacement of your houses plumbing system.

Common Home Inspection Problems #2 - Electrical
Lupberger's home inspection tips:: Electrical concerns are also at the top of the list. Again, we start with the obvious. Home inspectors find a lot of outlets that are loose, or they don't work. The new owners will want these repaired. Inspectors will also point out if key outlets aren't G-F-C-I outlets. Ground fault interrupters basically shut down at any sort of a surge in current, and in most new homes are now a requirement. When you see electrical outlets in room where you commonly find water - the kitchen, bathrooms, outdoor sockets - there should be a G-F-C-I that will automatically trip when that surge of electricity comes through. You reset it by simply pressing the button. Home inspectors say they also find many homes with improperly wired breaker boxes, with breakers that aren't the right size or don't fit.

Common Home Inspection Problems #3 - Heating
Lupberger's home inspection tips:: Home inspectors also find many problems in the heating and air conditioning units. This is where, if you've done your basic homeowner maintenance, you shouldn't have too much to worry about. By not keeping a clean filter in these units, homeowners sometimes allow excessive wear and tear. Home inspectors find a lot of problems associated with the lack of maintenance to gas furnaces and other heating and air conditioning appliances. Potential buyers may want to see that you've had yearly maintenance done by a professional, who will check to make sure the burners are adjusted properly, and that the unit itself is structurally sound. Any leaks in the unit or the piping could result in a dangerous gas leak, or even carbon monoxide poisoning. That's why this is a critical inspection point to home inspectors.

Common Home Inspection Problems #4 - Roof
Lupberger's home inspection tips:: Problems on the roof and in the attic also routinely turn up on a home inspection report. Most homeowners don't even know it, but they may not have enough insulation in their attics. And what they do have, may cover over vents that are designed to let moisture escape from the house. Insulation requirements are different throughout the country, so the easiest thing to do is do an online search for insulation calculators. Home inspectors will make note of what they find up here, and inform the buyer of any deficiencies. On top, besides torn and cracked shingles, inspectors say they often find flashings that aren't properly installed or the sealant around them is worn, allowing water to creep into the house.

Common Home Inspection Problems #5 - Drainage
Lupberger's home inspection tips:: And rounding out the Top 5 - Drainage. Home inspectors often find many problems associated with improper drainage. If the grading around your house doesn't carry water away, it will likely pool around the foundation, and possibly even seep in. That could cause major damage to the structure of the house and is an expensive repair the buyer will expect you to pay for. On top of looking for improper water drainage around your house, home inspectors are going to look very closely at the hazards involved with improper drainage - mainly, the presence of mold. Mold can create a serious health threat to humans, so a potential buyer might demand it be removed. Inspectors also look very closely for damage caused by termites, which can eat at your home from the inside out.

Lupberger's home inspection tips conclusion: Getting your home ready to sell is a bigger job than just cleaning. But by checking some of these things out ahead of time might get you a little more prepared up front, rather than getting surprised in the middle of a deal. And don't forget, to find prescreened home service professionals for whatever you need done on your home, check out ServiceMagic.com.
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